Does Medicare or insurance cover the ultrasound and blood tests?
Insurance coverage varies from policy to policy. We will provide you with a detailed receipt that can be submitted to your insurance company to determine coverage. You should also make a copy of your results to send along with the receipt.
Why did I get a bill from Medicare?
If Medicare was billed, then you had a Medicare service offered by our sister company, Life Line Community Healthcare, called an Annual Wellness Visit. You may remember sitting down with a Nurse Practitioner, who discussed prevention of disease with you and gave you a Personal Prevention Plan, which included a list of preventive screenings you […]
Didn’t I already pay for my screenings?
If you received an ultrasound screening, an EKG screening, or laboratory (blood) work, the payment you made was for those services, which are conducted by Life Line Screening. The Annual Wellness Visit is a distinct and separate service that is conducted by Life Line Community Healthcare, and is covered by traditional Medicare (part B) and […]